Articles and Opinions
Was the MERS Foreclosure Valid?
According to the Michigan Supreme
Court, Yes.
Read its opinion.
Outstanding Water
The lease may require the tenant to pay the water, but
if not paid, the Water Department will put a lien against the land. You
can avoid this obligation by submitting
a “Water Lien Affidavit” to the
water department. Read the
opinion of the Michigan Attorney
General explaining the law.
MCL 257.252a….
(9) If a vehicle has remained on private property without the consent of the property
owner, the owner of the private property may have the vehicle taken into custody
as an abandoned vehicle by contacting a
local towing agency. A local towing
agency is considered a towing agency
whose storage lot is located within 15
miles from the border of the local unit
of government having jurisdiction over
the abandoned vehicle.
(10) Before
removing the vehicle from private
property, the towing agency shall
provide reasonable notice by telephone,
or otherwise, to a police agency having
jurisdiction over the vehicle that the
vehicle is being removed. The police
agency shall determine if the vehicle
has been reported stolen and enter the
vehicle into the law enforcement
information network as an abandoned
vehicle. Verification by the police
agency of compliance with this section
is not necessary and is not a predicate
to the entrance of the vehicle into the
law enforcement information network.
(11) Within 24 hours after taking the
abandoned vehicle into custody, the
police agency shall notify the secretary
of state through the law enforcement
information network that the vehicle has
been taken into custody as abandoned.
Each notification shall contain the
following information:…………….